Where to Find Brown Mushrooms in Minecraft?

Where to Find Brown Mushrooms in Minecraft

Minecraft is an amazing game developed till now. Simplistic to the viewers to a very extent. The developers of this game had given good thought to such a stimulating game. And if you are someone who enjoys playing Minecraft, this blog is just for you. Now, you want to know where to find brown mushrooms in Minecraft, right? You are just at the right place. We help you find out the information that you have been looking for. Do enjoy reading as much as you enjoy playing the game. Let’s cut to the chase without further fuss.

Where to Find Brown Mushrooms in Minecraft

What is the game all about?

This game keeps you excited throughout the gameplay. Minecraft allows you to travel through different dimensions and worlds. You can also play it with your friends. There is an option readily available as multiplayer. Quite an exciting game to enjoy after a long day or any time of the day.

The fun part, you get to build your own world. You start from scratch and also get to raid others’ worlds and battle too. Since you have been playing it for quite some time, you must be aware of the difficulty zones too. You can decide on to peace to the hardest level of Minecraft. If you haven’t played the game lately, what’s stopping you then? Go play and enjoy the game but before that find out about the place where brown mushrooms could be found in Minecraft.

What are Brown Mushrooms in Minecraft?

Before we start telling you where to find brown mushrooms in Minecraft, let us have a small brief about it.

These specified color Brown Mushrooms are actually really easy to be found. But sometimes might be a struggle. It is not that helpful to have it in your inventory. The usage of Brown mushrooms is very simple. It is used in making recipes. These recipes are given already and you must be aware of it too.

Let’s take you out from the top. With the help of these Brown Mushrooms, you can make Rabbit Stew. This stew can make your character have a full day of power. You do not need to power up a lot on these Brown Mushrooms. Even a few of these mushrooms are enough for you to keep in your inventory. Though, you should be aware that these mushrooms do take up a lot of space.

How to find Brown Mushrooms?

It is not too much of a struggle to find Brown Mushrooms in Minecraft. You can find it in many places. You need to be aware of it that’s all. Are you playing the game for quite some time? Then you must be aware of all the places to visit in the Minecraft world. Here is where you can find Brown Mushrooms in Minecraft –

Swamp Biomes

If you are a Minecraft player, you know this place. You must have avoided entering this place all the time. This place is best to visit on a full moon. The dark place has all the things that you need in your Minecraft inventory. Likewise, you can also find Brown Mushrooms here in these Swamp Biomes.

All you need to do is to go to the area in Minecraft. A little bit of looking can do you a favor. You might also be able to find other minerals that are unique to find. But beware of the witches’ hut down in the swampy area. They are often found to be there.

If you are someone at the beginner level, let us help you out with how to identify swamp biomes. The place will be covered with all muddy and dark water. You will find even other unique items in that area too. For example, oak trees and lily pads.

Where to Find Brown Mushrooms in Minecraft

Shady Areas

By shady areas, we do not mean anything different from the Minecraft world you have seen till now. Shady Areas in Minecraft refer to the dark areas or light is rarely to be seen. It can b anywhere under a shady tree or a dark cave or ravine too. You just need to go to these dark places. Just ensure that the place is dark. Then, you can easily find brown mushrooms there too.

These dark places can be found easily but you can do some digging around. Even the mountain holes or cliffhangers are good places to find brown mushrooms in Minecraft.


You can find out many caves in Minecraft. You can easily visit these caves. Since the place is dark and away from the light, it is easy for mushrooms to grow. That is how it becomes easier for you to find brown mushrooms in the caves as well.

There are many different types of caves ranging from the smaller ones to the bigger ones. You can also find that the brown mushrooms grow beneath the area of caves. Further, if the entrance of the cave is dark and well-covered, brown mushrooms can be seen before entering.


Though brown mushrooms are readily available in this area, you need to be aware and prepared before entering. A bunch of hostile mobs will come up and you need to face them. You cannot simply just enter. Though it is a dangerous zone, you can easily cross it and conquer it. Since it is an area well-lit, brown mushrooms are grown in good quantity.

A small piece of advice, make sure your inventory is equipped beforehand. Then, it becomes easy for a player to take part in the gameplay.

Where to Find Brown Mushrooms in Minecraft

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Brown Mushroom be prepared in Minecraft?

Unfortunately, you cannot cook Brown Mushroom. You need to readily go and find it in your own Minecraft World. We have discussed in this blog where you can find these brown mushrooms. So, find these mushrooms and then collect them to prepare something new.

What can be prepared with Brown Mushrooms?

You can prepare a bunch of things with the help of Brown Mushrooms in Minecraft. That one ingredient has been seamlessly helpful throughout the gameplay.

Items –

  • Rabbit Stew
  • Suspicious Stew
  • Mushroom Stew

What are Suspicious Stew powers?

There are many powers that come with suspicious stew. You might be aware it or maybe not. Here are the powers mentioned below:

  • Night Vision
  • Poison
  • Regeneration
  • Saturation
  • Weakness
  • Fire Resistance
  • Wither
  • Jump Boost

Conclusive Insights

With this, we have come to the end of our blog. If you have been not able to find brown mushrooms lately, now you can. Just look around and roam. Digging around and breaking some blocks will also do a favor for you. Minecraft is an amazing game. It can keep you occupied for quite a certain time.

There are other unique minerals that you should be able to keep in stock in your hot box. It keeps you prepared. Now you can easily make recipes with the help of brown mushrooms. Let us know if you found the mushrooms or not and also about the recipes you prepared!