km to cm

km to cm


The Kilometer unit belongs to the metric system unit and is derived from the primary team. One kilometer can be converted to 1000 meters, or 1 meter is equal to 0.001 kilometers. In the following article, we get to know about km to cm, So don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will benefit you guys.
The kilometer belongs to the International System of Units (SI).

A kilometer is used to measure the distance between countries, towns, and cities in most countries. Still, the united state and the united kingdom are the only countries where miles are used instead of kilometers to measure the distance. It denotes by km.


The centimeter is part of the metric system and derives from the primary unit meter. One centimeter is equal to 0.01 meters, or 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters. The centimeter belongs to the International System of Units (SI). It denotes by cm.

Conversion between km to cm

Conversion of kilometer to centimeter

Calculate from Centimeter to Kilometer

Kilometer × 100,000

For example, conversion of 10km into cm

1km= 100,000cm

10km = 10* 100,000 => 1000000km

Conversion of kilometer to centimeter

Calculate from Kilometer to Centimeter

Centimeter × 1.0E-5

For example conversion of 100cm into kg

1cm = 0.00001km

100km = 100/100,000 =>0.001cm

Km to cm chart 

0.01 km is 1000 cm

0.02 km is 2000 cms

0.03 kms is 3000 cm

0.04 km is 4000 cm

0.05 kms is 5 000 cm

0.06 km is 6000 cm

0.07 km is 7000 cms

0.08 km is 8000 cms

0.09 km is 9,000 cms

0.10 kms is 10,000 cm

0.20 kms is 20 000 cm

0.30 kms is 30,000 cms

0.40 kms is 40 000 cm

0.50 km is 50 000 cm

0.60 kms is 60 000 cm

0.70 kms is 70 000 cm

0.80 km is 80 000 cms

0.90 km is 90 000 cms

1 km corresponds to 100,000 cms

Also, read 30 km to miles.