Can Dogs Have Turkey Bones

Can Dogs Have Turkey Bones

After seeing “A Christmas Story”, we all are wondering if turkey is a favourite dish for dogs. They don’t only hop on the turkey meat, but also the turkey bones. So we may think, Can dogs have turkey bones?

Dogs can eat turkey bones but with some exceptions. For instance, a cooked turkey bone is completely unsafe for dogs. It splinters, releases sharp edges and damages internal organs. Meanwhile, raw bones can hardly splinter, especially if they are large in pieces.

In short, dogs can eat raw turkey bones that are large in pieces. It’s because dogs keep chewing them as they don’t break easily. However, raw bones can also be a threat to mammals. Let’s check out how.

Can Dogs Have Turkey Bones?

There is no clear answer to whether dogs can have turkey bones or not. Many of them get into severe health risks after eating them and many of them escape the risks. For example, large turkey bones, like the next piece, can hardly get into dogs’ intestines. We can say this for raw turkey bones because they don’t splinter easily.

On the other hand, cooked turkey bones, whether they are large pieces or small pieces, can splinter easily. It is always a no-no if you ask if your dog can eat turkey bone from your plate.

Why Can’t Dogs Have Turkey Bones?

Dogs shouldn’t eat turkey bones as they can pose many health threats. Like chicken bones, turkey bones have the potential to splinter and have sharp edges. These can tear the throat and puncture the body organs of a dog. He can go through serious pain in the body and fall sick. Also, the edges of the bone will poke dogs’ intestines and may cause intestinal blockage.

If not the intestinal blockage, the turkey bone can cause constipation. You may see your paw friend is having a bloody stool after eating the bone. It is because the splinters of the bone puncture the intestine and cause rectal bleeding.

Can Dogs Have Turkey Bones

The turkey bone can also make it difficult for your dog to breathe. This happens when it blocks the windpipe and results in a choking hazard.

Another risk associated with these bones is stomach upset. Most often we prepare turkey with many ingredients to make it flavourful. We add onions, garlic, spices, seasonings, etc to the meat. These ingredients linger in its bones and make them as harmful as the turkey for dogs. In that case, dogs will not only go through intestinal blockage but also gastrointestinal upset. Its symptoms can be vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhoea, impact on the red blood cells, gas, bloating, etc.

Whether it is a raw or cooked turkey bone, all of them have the potential to damage the internal organs. Hence keep your dog away from them every time.

Raw turkey bones can offer additional health risks. How? They are prone to bacteria and pathogens, like Salmonella. Eating them will not only cause a choking hazard but also weakness and diseases in the body.

What To Do When Your Dog Eats Turkey Bones?

Your dog may show symptoms after eating turkey bones within some minutes. Firstly, he will be restless to take the bone out of his throat. And if the splinters of the bones puncture his throat he may bleed from the mouth. He can also have bloody stool due to the rectal bleeding. Your job is to monitor his symptoms for some minutes and offer him some water to drink. If your dog hasn’t gulped the bone yet, try to take it out of his throat. Do it gently so that the condition doesn’t get worse.

Meanwhile, you must inform his veterinarian and tell him about every symptom accordingly. If the symptoms are not very harsh, he may prescribe some medications to you. But if he bleeds, his doctor may suggest some tests. Like, an X-ray to check for the blockages and punctures in the intestine.

If needed, your vet may suggest some treatments and keep your dog hospitalised for some days. Again, for the piercing in the intestine the treatment can be a surgery

Can Dogs Have Turkey Bones Sometimes?

Most often we hear that raw bones are safer for dogs compared to cooked bones. Raw bones can hardly splinter as they are not hard. That’s why most dogs only end up chewing the raw bones. Chewing the bone only can save dogs from any intestinal blockages or piercings. Unfortunately, we can’t say the same for turkey bones. They are dangerous in both raw form and cooked form. Raw bones pose risks of bacteria and cooked bones pose risks of splintering.

Can Dogs Have Turkey Bones

Anyway, raw and large turkey bones can sometimes be safe for dogs, if they are clean. They don’t splinter and dogs can’t gulp them. So you may consider giving them to your paw friend when they make puppy faces.

Dogs with large oesophagus may escape the side effects of eating cooked turkey bones, but that will be rare. Hence, we won’t recommend offering cooked turkey bones at all. If possible keep these bones away from them.

You may cover the turkey bones with a paper towel or aluminium foil. And if they are leftover bones, dispose of them as soon as possible. Dogs have a great sense of smell, they may find the bones by smelling their amino acids.

Frequently Asked Questions: Can Dogs Have Turkey Bones?

What bones are safe for dogs?

Bones of lamb, turkey, chicken, oxtail, and beef can be safe for dogs if they are raw. The bones should be large in pieces so that dogs can’t gulp them. Also, they should be clean enough to not pose risks to bacteria and pathogens.

Can dogs eat turkey?

Like fish and meat, turkey can be safe for dogs if it has no seasonings, flavours or spices. Dogs should eat them in small slices to avoid choking hazards and should be under their vets’ guidance.

Are turkey bones safe for all pets?

Almost all pets, including mammals, can enjoy turkey bones. However, the pieces of bones should be large and raw. Since raw bones are prone to bacteria, you must wash them properly before feeding them to your dog.

What part of turkey should dogs eat?

The turkey that you will make for your dog should be cooked and plain. It means you can’t add salt, spices, or seasonings to it. The safest part of turkey for dogs is its white meat. Cut the meat into small pieces and add them to your dog’s food as an occasional treat.

Final Thoughts

After learning several downsides of eating turkey bones, we may have the question, Can dogs have turkey bones? The answer is not a clear no or a clear yes. If you are offering a large piece of turkey bone that is raw and clean, then we can say yes. But if you are offering a small piece of a turkey bone or a cooked turkey bone to your dog, we will say no.

No wonder, the raw turkey bones can also offer side effects to our canine friends. To keep them safe, offer them the white meat of cooked turkey only. Don’t make them flavourful with sources, but plain. Trust me they will enjoy the slices of the meat more than the raw bones.

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Benedict is an entertainment enthusiast and a passionate blogger. He loves to share his insights and opinions of the ever-evolving entertainment world. When he's not writing, you can find Benedict immersing himself in the latest releases, following the latest industry events, and engaging with fellow entertainment enthusiasts online.